Making the Magic - Disney & Universal Travel Planning Podcast
Welcome to Making the Magic, a Disney & Universal Travel Planning Podcast. Helping you plan a magical trip to the Disney & Universal parks around the world. Working as Travel Agents we plan & book hundreds of holidays as well as regularly visiting the parks ourselves
Whether it’s a weekend in Disneyland Paris, a once a lifetime trip to Walt Disney World or even a visit to Tokyo Disney – we have the very best hints and tips to make sure you have a perfect, hassle-free experience. That’s why we’re specialist Disney & Universal Travel Agents!
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Making the Magic - Disney & Universal Travel Planning Podcast
Catching up on the latest with Fairytale Holidays
It's been a while since both Amanda & Martin recorded a podcast so we thought it would be a great idea for us to have a quick catch-up and let you know what we've been up to.
- Amanda tells us about her trip to Walt Disney World
- We discuss the new MagicBand+
- Some Genie+ tips
- Martin chats about Avengers Campus
- Plus his upcoming Disney Cruise
- Working with Instagram Disney Sensation Amy & Her Livvy Bird
- Plus, the podcasts we're going to be working on next
Book your next trip to Disney and Universal with Fairytale Holidays
This episode of Making the Magic is brought to you by Fairytale Holidays. Based in the UK and Disneyland Paris, Fairytale Holidays will help you create the most magical trip ever. Plus, our Magic Maker service is complimentary when you book your next trip with us. Find out more at https://www.fairytaleholidays.co.uk
Welcome to making the magic a podcast, chatting about all things, Disney, universal, and beyond this week, we're having a bit of a catch up chatting about what we've been doing over the last few months on our plans for the rest of the year. I'm Amanda
and I am Martin. We usually start with talking about the weather don't we?
So what's the weather like
in England, right? It is an absolutely beautiful sunny day. Not too hot, although I think it is, uh, you know, getting weather warnings. It's gonna be too warm for us in the next few days.
What's too warm for the north of England. Oh, I dunno.
Probably not nowhere nearest spot as in Paris.
I know we were talking the other day and I was complaining that it was like, you know, 25, 26 degrees, which is, uh, yeah, probably not as hot as it is with you.
Yeah. It's about 30 degrees at the moment today. Okay. So, and there's not a cloud in the sky as well. Luckily this park has been built was more for the more for the weather for, for snow and for rain.
But you know, there there's a lot of undercover places so that you can, you can actually get. Almost around the park without actually having to go outside that much. There's a lot of places to go and hide in the shade.
well, that's the thing is that I think if you've got the heat, if there's air conditioning everywhere, then it, it's not too bad.
When you go to Disney world yeah. Everywhere's air conditioned, so you can escape from it, but we're just not geared up houses in the UK. Designed to retain the heat. There's no air con or anything, so yeah, it's
boiling. . Yeah, a little bit too hot. So what have you been up to then, Amanda?
Yeah, well, I've had a bit of a break from recording the podcast. So if you're a regular listener, you'll know Martin's recorded a few episodes with some of our colleagues, but I haven't been around for a few months. I haven't been on just a great big, long holiday. Unfortunately, but we have been so busy haven't we with people back traveling lots of new inquiries.
And we've also got a few extra members of the fairy tale team as well. If you listen to couple of the other ones you might have heard, Rebecca and Emma, and they've, joined the team as well. More hands on deck to help you with your trips, to Orlando, winter.
Yeah, absolutely. It is good to have, some other people, um, as part of the team and they're all Disney experts, same as USS. They, they love going to the, the parks and, um, I think a couple of them coming over to see you very soon. Aren't they?
Yeah. So there's a couple of 'em are coming over in September.
And then do you wanna start by telling us what you've been doing in Paris then over the last few months? Cause a lots and lots stuff been going on in. Yeah.
Obviously it's like the 30th celebrations started, beginning of, of March. So that was really, really good. The new show dream shy, bright, uh, is really, really great.
It's just basically an outdoor party. There's not really much of a plot to it. You just outside characters come down with big cavalcade. Loads of dance numbers up on these stages on central Plaza. And it's just a really fun, especially in the sun. You stand there and have an ice cream and the songs are really, really catchy as well.
The drone show, I actually went to go into the drones last night, uh, and the, that looks
incredible. How'd they do that 30 in the sky just looks
amazing. It's amazing. And I'll tell you what, every single time I've watched it, the entire audience go. It's such a, it's such a wow moment that it, it makes you get goosebumps to sort of talking about it.
It's so good. If you haven't seen it live, go and watch it. It's this amazing. Brilliant part of the, uh, celebration and there'd be more drone stuff going on. At some point with Disney Paris, the main thing has been, adventures campus
Disney Paris. Yeah. Not heard anything about that on your social media.
I was lucky enough to go to a couple of preview days. And then I went to the opening day and I went to, opening night as well, where there were, where there was surprise for most people. Drone show actually, and with fireworks and the characters came out and it was just amazing. Just one off kind of show that, that they did just for the opening, but avenges campus is if you've seen any of the social media posts, you'll know how much I love.
Uh, Avens campus has, did an entire podcast talking about it as well. And it's just been rabbit on base. I know even covered everything, but it's amazing. Unlike Other parts of the park where you know, there's not a huge amount kind of going on. It's just kind of the themeing. There is pretty much always a character or character interaction or that going on at some point.
So, you know, captain in America, Sam Wilson version will just come out and they come out onto this sort of amazing sort of car and then come out and then do meet and greets and walk around the, the campus. And then you might get captain Marvel up by the Quinn jet waving, you turn around and there suddenly foreign Lokey around, and then they do a little show.
There's a couple of little shows to watch every day. They're not timed. You don't know when they're gonna be on. You just have to hang around and wait for them.
Yeah. I think if you're a Marvel fan booking to go and stay at hotel, New York and then yeah. Spending your, your time, in Avengers campus, I mean, that would be any Marvel's fan dream, wouldn't
Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, on the preview day, I think I spent six and a half, seven hours there on the second preview day. I could go on like the Spiderman ride again and again and again. Obviously now it it's open to the public queues are slightly longer, so I can't spend quite as long, in the park as well.
It's absolutely amazing. And if you who are a Marvel fan, even if you're not particularly a Marvel fan, I've been into there with people who are particularly massive Marvel fans, but they kind of appreciate the sort, the level of detail there is to it. And the two rides are really great as well.
Yeah. I'm very lucky to have a whole new land, in Paris and, and it's not stopping there is it there's gonna be lots of expansion over the next few.
Yeah. So you're gonna have the lake, which is gonna be amazing. Speaking to, people in Imagineering and they were saying, remember, you know, the lake by, expedition, Everest in yeah.
Animal kingdom. Yeah.
That they used for kit tails at the minute.
Yeah. Yeah. It it's about that sort of size. Wow. Yeah. So there will be a nighttime show that's gonna take place. And then, frozen land is gonna be at the back, um, of that as well. So that's gonna be amazing to be able to go and meet all the characters from there and actually go to aand.
Very lucky to have all these things, still to come.
So I haven't made it out to Paris yet, but I feel like I have, uh, seeing all everything. Um, but I was over in Disney world, in February. And I've got another trip booked for September, so just like just a month away. I've been really. Planning that, and the February trip, that was the first one with, with genie plus.
We're gonna be recording a show about, um, that in the next few weeks, aren't we, cuz that is quite different. If people have been before and used to fast pass.
Yeah, it's quite a different system. , for some people it's a bit controversial. My opinion is just, you can't look at the past, you can't look at it that there was a free option before that's gone.
Now you've gotta look at what there is currently. How many writers you kind of get to sort of. To do when you were over there?
Yeah. Do you know? I mean, it was really busy given it was like off season I think that's the busiest I've ever seen the parks. So I was quite surprised about that,
I didn't buy it every single day. But the days we did it, I would say in the magic kingdom, you could easily be getting four or. Rides in with it. Maybe in the sum of the other parks, it's more like three or four. But I wasn't spending like whole days open to closing the parks either I was doing it sort of more leisurely paced, so it it's definitely worth doing it for some parks more than others.
I think the magic kingdom got a lot more. Rides and attractions. So you're just gonna, you've got more to go at haven't you to be able to use it. Whereas maybe someone like the animal kingdom, you know, less rides, less need for it. Yeah. But yeah, but we can have a, you know, a real deep dive and, and talk about what we think about, about genie plus
how to maximize your use of it. What you don't wanna do is pay for it and then only get on one or. Things really?
Yeah, of course. It is an extra cost. When you work out per ride, it isn't actually work out particularly a huge amount. When you work out that way, and also you're gonna save quite a bit of time, it's something we're gonna be doing a podcast about soon.
So do you have any questions and just let us know. And then of course, you're, looking forward to your, next trip. Are you gonna be using genie plus when you go on your next trip?
Yeah. So this trip I bought the tickets that already have the genie plus included. So we've got it for the, for the whole time.
See, those tickets are on open with no, they're not on sale anymore for future trips. So you have got to. Per day. So that was quite a good deal. So that was worth with having , give it, give it another go. I mean, I would tell you the, the very best thing, like if you're staying on site is to take advantage to that early opening into the parks.
Certainly for the bigger rides. So only half an hour, it doesn't seem like a much advantage, but it really, really. You know, to get ahead of the crowd. So, you know, if you don't wanna do gen plus, and you are staying on site, I can't sort of stress it enough, you know, really get to the parks early.
Don't get that half an hour early, get there an hour. Yeah. Hour and you know, hour and a half early, because they'll start letting you in you know, before the advertised time. And the parks, I wouldn't say they're quiet. I don't think there's any quiet times at just anymore other no, no, no quieter. But the other things that were new when.
There in February were the new things in Galaxy's edge. So I went on ride the resistance for the first time, which is my new favorite ride, just in incredible, you know, it's such a good ride. I mean the queues do get along. That's one of the rides you can buy these individual lightning lanes for , but I think it's worth it.
It's a long ride. And I'm not even a massive store was fun. I do like stores, but I was completely blown away by it, you know, really, really good. And then we went to Ogas cant as well, which yeah, I really, really enjoyed. It was really good. Fun. Feels like you are, you know, properly in. Star wars in the, the bar there.
So really fun drinks. I mean, it's not a restaurant. It is just drinks and snacks. You get an allocated amount of time to stay there. We, we were seated at a table, but some of it is just standing room. But yeah, it was good again, we'll perhaps do a show and, and talk about Galaxy's edge and Ogas Cantina, but yeah, that's any star was fan yet.
Do. that's one of the things that's draw me back to Orlando is, is to go to gala's edge. Yeah. To go and do there. Of course. And then did you get a chance to go on to, to see Remy as.
Yeah, it did. Yeah. I had a bit of a full start with that, cuz we had , my individual lightning lane for that cued up and everything.
And uh, it broke down which is, can happen concert, which is, but then they are very good. They just reschedule it for you. And so yeah, I did go and get to see Remy as well and looking forward to going back and going on that again, so. That is no longer one of the individual lightning lanes. It's just in the normal genie plus selection.
So yeah, that's, that's great. And, but that whole area in France now, you know, they've expanded it. It's so pretty. You've got the beauty and the beast single long show there. You've got the The cries. So you can you buy all , your lovely crepes and it's hard to imagine quite how far back they've gotten.
It just seems so much bigger than it was before. And then you've got that nice exit on the Skyliner to be whisked away to everyone to be. Yeah. Rather than having to walk all the way back to , the front of the park, which is good, which speaking of which as well, we went to tour the new Rivi resort, which is on the sky.
Ah, yes. Um, so that is, it's a Disney vacation club property, but you, you can book the rooms that we do have quite limited availability. But again, another new favorite was the the character breakfast at top Lenos there. Which I really, really enjoyed and mean we went, we didn't have any kids with us.
It was just adults. But it. Still really good fun seeing Mickey and the gang in all their sort of Riviera outfits. I would say the food is the best of most of the, the character dining locations. They only do the character breakfast. The restaurant is open in the evening, but that's for, it's not character dining in the evening.
And although it is breakfast, they serve right till 12 o'clock so it's brunch early lunch. Leisurely breakfast. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's nice. They have like a rooftop terrace. So after you've eaten, you can go out there to of view it's a nice viewing point take photographs, but there's also some very, very comfortable seating.
So had a nice sort of half an hour or so having a little relax in the sun. Yeah. It's just, you know, you're sitting there thinking this is perfect. This is just where I want to be lovely meal. And then sitting in the sunshine. Yeah. Doesn't get much better than.
Sounds very nice. Is that where you're gonna go back to on this next trip?
Yeah, I have rebooked toplines cause it's hard to get. I think just generally I think things getting dining reservations is hard at the minute. There's still, I would say staffing issues, you know, the restaurants are all pro properly staff back up, so. Yeah. You, you go into restaurants, they're not all full.
And so you're thinking, well, why could I not get a reservation for this? But it's mainly due to staffing issues, I imagine. Yeah. So that is making, getting dining reservations hard. So things like OS Cantina, Topo knows, you know, you've gotta be right on it. Your 60 days before you go. Or my big tip is check the day before because people will always cancel $10.
Did they? Yeah. So exactly you they're gonna get charged with no show. If they don't cancel the day before, so you see lots and lots of even really, really hard to get reservations dropped. So even if you've been trying for the whole 60 days before, without any luck, it's always worth trying, you know, in the, in the day before to pick things up.
Yeah. Good. Give you go. Now imagine one thing that you might not go on next time is the new gardens of the galaxy cosmic rewind. Right? Right. Because I know how much you love roller coasters. So maybe you won't
be going on to this one. I know. Do you know what I'm so torn because I desperately want to go on it.
You know, it looks so amazing. I love But I, I keep reading these things about people having yeah. Motion sickness issues, and sort of it is quite a spin ride. So I think I'm just gonna have to take a call when, when I get there as to whether I'm brave enough.
, it's a right photography on that.
On there is cause I've seen people's photographs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is. Yeah. Yeah. We'll have to see
no photo, no proof. Yeah. No person didn't
happen. I'm afraid. So yeah. Well I would say I'm kind of, I don't know, I'm on the maybe 30% going 70%. Not so I wouldn't hold out too much, but I might have to get the others to go and ride it first and.
Sort of feedback to me and, uh, and say, go,
go to Tainos first, go and have go over an empty stomach. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, the thing with that one is you've got, obviously they've got the virtual queuing for it, so you've gotta go on and then, you know, you get your boarding group and get called during the day or you can pay and do the individual lightning lane again, it's one of them.
I think it's probably worth paying for it. I would say rise resistance. You know, the gorgeous ride probably are worth paying for, and it's a lot of money, isn't it. But then you've paid so much for your holiday. They are the top rides. So you wanna make sure you're gonna get on them.
You'd be very disappointed if you went and then just then for whatever reason, couldn't get it. Get onto rise, for example. Yeah, exactly.
disappointed. $15, you know, so, well, you know what, so when you've got a large family adds up, but in the grand scheme of things, it's for how much
you paid for the entire trip it's yeah.
Dropping ocean. Really? Isn't it?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think it's worth mentioning there, there are quite a few things I think could change, you know, when I was there, I think everything is much more geared now to kind. Mobile ordering doing everything on your, your app. So, you know, alongside booking your genie pluses doing your virtual cues.
So you're on your phone, I think a lot more than, than you used to be. Yeah. Which, you know, there's so downsides to that, you know, you need to make sure you've still got time just to. Look around and enjoy things rather than head down on your phone all the time. And also make sure you've got a power bank or you check in advance where you can go and charge your phone because the battery soon starts to to run down when you, when you're on it all the time.
I liked the mobile ordering for the quick service meals. So you know, that is, is, is a really good way to, you know, you're not waiting in, in lines. You just can book the time that you want to have your, your quick service meal. Ahead and then just tap on when you've arrived at the restaurant. Yeah.
And the food turns up and I think they've got it a lot better now because you can put in any dietary requirements, any special requests and yeah. So I thought that worked really, really well, but don't take loads of dollars with you because pretty much everything is cashless.
They've got mobile ordering now in Paris as well.
And because not many people know about. You basically. Jump the queue. Yeah. And, and your food's pretty much already ready and waiting for you. So it's great. When you wanna go in and, and, grab your food and then wander straight out with it and you get all these people look at you, like what's he in that queue?
What's that queue. Yeah. How did he get the fast
pass to that queue?
How did he get that queue? Was he got first
and things that, yeah, I mean, I think in, in Disney world, at busy times, they're not even letting you go into the quick service restaurant. You've got to show them here's my mobile order thing.
You know, buzz me to come and pick it up and you're only allowed to go in if you've got that, they don't want people just going in and, uh, taking up tables. Yeah. Which is good. Cuz when you've got your food, then you've definitely got somebody to sit. Yes, yes. Annoying. Yeah. If you're not all geared up with the tech and not into the mobile ordering, I think that does make it a little bit, bit tricky,
but also you are on your phone and you know, you get a message come through.
You don't wanna be like, I try, I put my phone onto airplane mode whenever I'm sort of in the parks because I wanna be in the moment not getting text message, not getting group text messages. Cats and things like that. yeah, I I'll find that out later. That's okay. I don't need to know that whilst they're in the park, we're about to go meet a character or something that, so, I mean, I used to quite like the kiosk, cause you used to get for fast pass plus where you just tap your magic band and you could do it all on there.
So it's a shame, genie plus on those, I assume there's all been taken away.
Haven't they? Yeah, they have, they've got the blue umbrella stands. So they've got some cast members. Oh yeah. Um, throughout the park. So if you're having problems with anything, um, you know, making your genie plus reservations or other issues with your app, then you can go to them rather than having to queue up at guest services and.
You know, they're really, really helpful and, and can sort those things out for you. Um, but it is, you know, when we said it to our clients, it's worth just getting yourself familiar with the, my Disney experience app before you go. Just so that you're not, you, you don't wanna be arriving and then downloading the app for the pretty much the first time and taking a look at it, you know, standing at the front of the magic kingdom, you need to do that a little bit of.
Um, yeah. And then I'm also excited for when I go in September, cuz I've got the new magic bands as well. We've got the magic
band. Yes. Yes. New, new magic band plus, uh, quite recently as well. Is it, so I assume you're gonna be treating yourself to an upgrade.
I definitely will be. I mean, from what I've read, I'm not sure.
how great they are, but I can't not have it, you know, I've, can't
try out. It's it's the thing is like, I can't, I don't actually know where my magic band is. It's in a box somewhere and I have no idea where it's, so I'd have to buy another one anywhere Whil. I was say, and I don't want a new one anyway. Yeah.
Yeah. So I'm thinking, well, you might as well just get the extra and then it it's got these things will interact you more and things and it'll glow. In time with the fireworks and harmonious and you could hold your hands. So it means you can put your arms in the air, like you're at a concert.
Yeah. Yeah. And it's not essential, but I mean, if you, I mean, I think the magic bands are brilliant. If you're staying on site, particularly I would buy a magic band. I think it's just so much more convenient. The magic band plus, I mean, people have been complaining a little bit because they, they do require charging.
And if you're doing all these interactive things, then it, soon as it's charge. but even then you can still use it for all the essential things. So you can still use it to get into the park through genie plus and all the rest of it, even if it's kind of down on the charge.
I've got a very nice orange bird, one on order, so, oh right. Okay. Looking forward to it, to
getting that. Very nice.
Excellent. Yeah. And you've got a new Disney experience coming up from, I I understand cause I, you must, you've done most Disney things now. You've been to all the parks. Yes. So what can be left?
I've been to every
single park in the world. But I haven't been on a Disney cruise before. Mm-hmm just for one reason or another, I've been on quite a few different cruise lines. I've been lucky enough to be invited by a lot of different cruise lines to go and sail with them to go and try them.
But I've never done a Disney cruise before, and then I have the opportunity to go on one this September. And so I've taken the opportunity and I'll be going on the Disney magic and be sail around the, the UK. So I'll be going to stone hinge and to cool and to Liverpool and Belfast, no, been to Belfast.
So it's be interesting for me. Lift pool is where our head office conference is going to be later on in the year. I can go and do a bit of scout in there. Cause I think I've only actually been to Liverpool once. So I don't really know it, particularly well. So I'm really looking forward to going on board.
We're actually gonna record a podcast all about it be one before going on the cruise and one afterwards of, you know, what questions do you have about cruising? Because there's a lot of people who have done the parks would like to do a Disney cruise, but they're just a bit unsure about it
if you've never done a cruise before, it's a different type of holiday compared to what you are used to so elsewhere. And it's kind of what to expect. So we're gonna be recording one where I'm gonna be asking Amanda, a lot of questions. Cause you are, you are quite a seized and sailor, aren't
Yeah, I've been on quite a few Disney cruises and I absolutely love them. And I would say even if you have been on cruises before Disney have got a. Unique things and special things as you would expect, you know, they've gotta do things a little bit different to others. And yeah, I absolutely love Disney cruises, so I've done them in the Caribbean and then I did the staycation one in the UK.
Last summer I've booked the. Staycation more. Well, it's not the staycation. We're going from David to Spain for next year, 20, August 20, 23 September. And then I'm also booked on the wish in,
well, the brand new now.
Yeah. Yeah. I can't wait to it. So I think I've been on all of the other ships.
So the wish I've, I've gotta complete the collection, you know, you got,
you have to. Yeah. Yeah. So I think this can be the problem for me when I've been on this one on the magic, I will then want to go onto every. Disney ship to compare and also because of the experience as well.
So I it's, they're gonna give me a little taste knowing they're gonna get me addicted and hooked to Disney cruises. Yeah. That is the
problem. yeah. and, uh, but no, it's I so disappointed I can't come as well, but I think I, I get back the day you are going,
so yeah. Something. Yeah. Yeah. So you wouldn't have time to get down to Dover?
no, I think that, yeah. And I'm so well, yeah, and I'm not curtailing. Cutting my Disney, uh, world trip shorts. So you'll just have to go without me.
Come and see me in Liverpool. yeah, yeah. Away. You're not far from Liverpool. You can away.
I'm really close to Liverpool.
Yeah. And then in fact, I've done a couple of ship visits on the Disney Ships in Liverpool when they've docked, when they've been doing those British arts cruises, but they probably won't let me on this time. Will they? But I can come and wave at you from the, uh, well,
I, I assume I'm gonna come ashore into Liverpool.
We've only got one day at sea. And I really wanted to go off and explore the ship. So there might be like a day that I might just not bother going ashore and then spend the entire day just exploring the ship and seeing everything there is to do whilst I ball. Cause I'm obviously gonna do a thing in the evening, but I think your evenings are quite tied up because you're gonna go and do you, you got dining and then you're gonna go into a show and then you're gonna have other things to do as well.
So I think to actually make most of the actual ship itself, I need to have a day. Everyone else is.
Sure. Yeah. I think time operates differently when you're on cruises, because it just goes doesn't. It is, there's so much to do and to cram in yeah, the, the time just seems to, to run away, but I mean, say Liverpool, for instance where the ships dock it is right in the city center by the live building.
So, you know, you, you walk off the ship and you, you are right there, so you could easily just get off and do half a day. Yeah, taste for the city, go and do a few things and then have plenty of time back on the ship. , the magic, it's, it's a beautiful ship and a, a large cruise ship, but it's not as big as some others.
So I think it's a nice classy ship. You'll have an amazing time be brilliant and the dining is so good and yeah,
well, that's the thing I'm thinking I'm looking forward to is the dining the rotational dining does sound really interesting to go into the different restaurants when you're going across the state.
And I'll just think. Just the whole atmosphere as well, like to go and see characters in the park. Because I'm here all the time. I don't usually kind of bother unless I'm kind of with people, but I think there you, you, you've got these times and some of 'em you can prebook as well. Some you just sort of to turn up.
So I think I'd be, you'd be great. I, to be able to go and. Meet the characters as well. So yeah, really looking forward to to, to sailing with Disney for the first time. And I, and I think I will get the bug. Now speaking about sailing with Disney, one of our blogs that we recently put on was where Amy's blog all about sailing with Disney.
Do you wanna introduce us to Amy?
Yeah. So you might have seen if you follow our Facebook page or on our Instagram, that we've recently started working with a Disney blogger, Amy, who is better known as a Livy bird life on Instagram. So Amy posts, lots of things about her life, but particularly about her love of Disney.
And as you say, she recently did a blog about going on a Disney cruise. I don't think she'd ever thought about going on a cruise. Disney or otherwise. But it was one of the short staycation cruises she went on with her daughter and I think, yeah, she's completely hooked down now as well. So but she's written a series of blogs for us covering all sorts of topics.
There're on the website, there's a, a few more coming soon. Look out for those. It's been, been great working she's, you know, a long time client of ours. And she very kindly agreed to, to do these exclusive blogs just for. .
It makes you want to go on another Disney holiday doesn. It does. I
mean, I think her, her photographs are amazing. And particularly, you know, when her daughter was younger and they visited the parks, then the clothes that she had and yeah, I would definitely go and check it out. So li bird life on Instagram.
So I'd definitely get following her if you are a Disney fan, which I'm sure most of all listeners are. I dunno why you'd be listening to us
if you weren't people were stalking us or something like that. That really, yeah. Yeah know.
So, so as we said, we'll hopefully have lots of new podcasts coming up over the next few months.
We're not planning on taking more lengthy. Breaks. , we'll be back to having our weekly podcast got some more hotel reviews coming up, cuz we know people find those very useful planning their trips. Don't.
Yeah, we've got some sort of the most requested hotels. So pop century, for example, with the new Skyliner is really, really popular family, great value hotel.
Uh, so we're gonna record a podcast all about that. So genie plus which is something which is for most people, it's gonna be something brand new. So, and it can be very confusing. Even Disney themselves have admitted. It's very confusing. Have you seen the videos that they put on?
Yes, I have. When they had to make four or five different videos to explain one thing, you think this is too confusing, isn't it. But we, we were here to explain it and to simplify it and to make your genie plus experience as easy as possible.
Yeah. And if you've got any requests for topics for future shows then we we'd love to hear your suggestions.
So that's all for this week. We really hope you enjoyed the show. Please make sure you subscribe so you don't miss anything. And if you'd like to find out more about us, then you can visit our website, which is fairytale holidays.co.uk. And you can find all the links in the show notes.
So thanks for listening
and have a magical day. .